Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Roadkill Roomies: Episode 1 Storyboards - Draft 3

Here is the 3rd Draft of the 1st Episode of Roadkill Roomies. I'd like to say it's the final draft but there is one more change I'm going to make. One change is I'm going to make Bill's (the squirrel) voice a little higher in pitch. Again, please let me know what you think.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Roadkill Roomies: Episode 1 Storyboards - Draft 2

This is the second draft for the storyboards of Roadkill Roomies. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Roadkill Roomies - Storyboard and Audio - Draft 1

Here is the first run through Roadkill Roomies. This is the first draft of the first episode. I already have a better version of the episode that I'm working on but I wanted to put this version up so you can see how it gets better. Enjoy this early crappy version.

Friday, May 16, 2014

"Caught in the Headlights" (2006)

I watched this documentary about roadkill as I was working on storyboard drawings for Roadkill Roomies (www.roadkillroomies.com). Very surreal.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bill and Dave Turnaround

Here is the first video for Roadkill Roomies. I created front and back views of Bill and Dave and turned that into a turnaround of the characters. It is in full HD 1080p which, as I found out, takes forever (about 15 hours) to upload to YouTube. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Roadkill Roomies Begins!

Here is a first look at the animated series, Roadkill Roomies, that I've been working on. These are the two main characters (not necessarily finalized) Bill, the squirrel, and Dave the raccoon. They live together in a dumpster behind an outlet mall in Arizona. Bill is an angry and bitter squirrel from New York and Dave is a laid-back and philosophical raccoon from California. How they get to Arizona is explained in the first 11-minute episode of the series entitled "Origin Stories." Of course, this like everything else could change. I have the first and second episodes written in script form for the series. I am hoping to develop the first episode or so for YouTube, but I picture them eventually developing the series for television.

I've started storyboarding the first episode and will be posting my progress on the series as time goes on. Check back either on this blog or on Facebook for further updates. If you want to work on the series with me as a voice, animator, or writer email me at brian@briancreates.com.